Frequently Asked Questions

Ikon elhelyezése a kezdőképernyőre

Alkalmazásértesítés zárolt képernyőn

What is WebApp?
This is the web application of ELTE University Library Service which, in addition to serving as a virtual reading card, offers many other options.

Can I also enter the library and borrow as well with the app?
Yes, the gates read the QR code of the virtual reading card displayed on the mobile screen. With the WebApp you can loan a book without handing over your device to the librarian.

Can I extend loans in the app?
Yes, and the new deadline will appear in the app immediately.

Is it possible to register/renew membership using the application?
Yes, but not in all libraries at this time. Online registration/renewal of membership is currently possible in the following libraries:

How can I register/renew membership online?
The online version of the enrollment consists of two parts. If you have never been a member of any of the ELTE libraries - so you do not have a reading card - you have to registrate in the web application. After this you can log in immediately and you can access your new, virtual reading card. At the "My membersips" menu item you can initiate an enrollment to a selected library. Your request of enrollment will be processed in one working day by the library's staff who will also send you a notification of the result. If you have been a member of an ELTE library, you do not need to registrate, you can log in to the application immediately. In case you have an active library membership, you can initiate a renewal online no earlier than two weeks before your membership expires via the "My memberships" menu item.

Is the app able to send notifications?
Yes, you can get notifications on your requests or upcoming deadlines. E-mail notifications and/or browser push notifications (in the case of Android devices) are possible, which will arrive on the devices even when they are logged out. You can customize the notifications at any time in the settings.

Can I search the library catalog?
The search can be started from the application, but the results will appear in the interface of our library catalog.

What other features does the app have? ?
Library memberships and financial information can be tracked in it and it is possible to buy an online print and photocopy card.
